Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wet palm trees

It's Friday. (Everyone say yayayay!!!). Usually this time I'd be sleeping or out and about. Hmmm, that's all over now. I miss it but not too much. I must move on with life. (I'm moving all not so much). The craziness level has dropped drastically and my mind is starting to get used to it. Not a good sign. Must return to active life. Must do something. Anything. Ok, maybe not anything but something productive. Fun. Wet. Relaxing. (Sounds like I need to go back to the beach). I need to stop with this internal dialogue. (But I like it, keeps me thinking when I need to be sleeping). Oh crap! It's already 3 am?! I really need to get back to normal civilization mode. This college, no sleep or little sleep cycle-pattern-thingy must stop. (Ok, really, just stop with the "must" business, goodness). Alright, so hopefully by now, you can sort of tell how my future blogs will be...or maybe not. Who knows. Depends if you're sane or crazy. Until then, keep your eyes glued to the screen. I'll be back. (Well, not now, go get some sleep or something to eat, or whatever). Me and my schizo friend are leaving. :-) Hasta luego! Te veo despues! (I know, the title had nothing to do with this post. Meant to be like that, duh!). ;-)

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