Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bound to happen

Curveballs. They can be good or bad. But I got hit by a bad one real hard earlier this week. Almost knocked me out. Almost. I surprised myself by my reaction: laughter. Who in the world laughs when he/she hears that the one person he/she thought they had something going on is going out with someone else? (Apparently, I do). I'm complicated; I know. But for once (in a very long time), I was about to step out and do something completely riske, fun, and bold for someone who was important to me. I thought we were on the same level...apparently not? New girlfriend? Really? No warning? No? Nothing? (yea, nothing). Convenient timing too. Life and its curveballs. I never saw it coming. Never. (Really, I mean, it's like getting hit by a pink lion in a forest in Alaska). But you know what, despite the obvious absurdity of the situation? It was now or never. Whatever happened had to happen. I must release him too so I can move on. This had to happen exactly this way. My heart wants to believe it's not over. But it is. At least for now. I'm off to the process of prying off anything that remotely reminds of him. (I'm still smiling, no tears this time). In the midst of all of this, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 has my situation on lockdown. But verse 8 perfectly says what I'm feeling now "...[I'm] perplexed but not in despair..." It was bound to happen. Exactly this way. I'm hurt. But I'll live. And learn. And love again. It's bound to happen. (*smile).

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