Monday, September 5, 2022

I passed my oral boards

A year ago this time, I was in bad shape. Mom had died. I still needed to pass my oral boards to become a board-certified surgeon to keep my job. It was a blur honestly, August 2021. Then Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana and I was on Team A (stay at work team) and what a crazy and miserable time it was. I was responsible for the ICU and also took general surgery call...all the while managing the very recent loss of my mother.

I had to call the Board to re-schedule my oral boards because there was no way I would be ready 2 months after my mom died...

Well. Time went by. I grieved (still am grieving), worked out, continued to see my new therapist and little by little I felt ok enough to pick up studying again. The battle between grieving and staying mentally fit enough to study was ongoing. I had practice sessions with my senior partner weekly and reviewed every day. I stopped drinking and minimize my social activities so I could focus. And then one day it just clicked. My senior partner stopped halfway through with my practice session and said "You're ready". And honestly, that time around I was ready to take the exam. And I did. It went by quickly and I did my best.

I had a reading done on my birthday...just to make sure mom crossed over ok. One of the things the spiritual woman told me was that in April, things would start looking up. I didn’t take it to mean that I’d pass my boards. Honesty, I forgot about it until I actually passed my boards. And I found out April 1st. 

So yes. Things did start looking up in April. I’m still undecided about work and dating has its ups and downs. I’m still learning, still progressing, still believing so my dreams can manifest in my life.

And they are. I passed my boards!

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