Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In truth, we are never alone

Too often, I find myself running a million different lists in my head. I start one thing here, and finish another, and feel ineffective because I have so much going on. Do I need to have a lot going on? No, I don't. But left to myself, I will find something, anything to do. So what to do, right? Well, I'm learning to focus on one major task at a time. Small things to do will always be around but major tasks will be managed differently.

Anyways, point of this post was to comment on a movie I just saw: "The Secret World of Arrietty". Now, now, now before you start asking why am I going to see an animation, you must know one very important hobby of mine: I love Japanese anime. I always have. Since the first time I encountered Dragonball Z series and Sailormoon to Full Metal Alchemist---I'm a secretly huge fan. In my heart, course. So back to the movie--very beautiful animation and depiction of friendship, in truest, purest and most innocent form. I really wonder these days where has the innocence in friendship gone? Especially in relationships between men and women. Who knows. This movie taught me that we are truly never alone. Not for one second. And that we can be the change we want to see...even if it means taking risk and being the "first" one to break the tradition.

A quote I thought was really beautiful: "My heart is stronger now because you're in it. Forever." -Shawn (Arrietty's newfound friend) Shawn had some type of heart problem in the movie and was resting for a couple of days before his surgery. Well, the day before the surgery, Arrietty says her final goodbye, telling him she hopes he never forgets her. And that was his response. Beautiful, isn't it?

As for the rest of life, I'm taking it slowly. Some days are good, others--great. I don't think I need to understand fully why certain things happen in life; I just need to trust God and trust that Him valuing me is enough. And that little part of my heart that is secretly believing in true love needs to be given a chance. Hence, the past needs to be let go. I don't know who God has chosen for me but I'm believing that he's worth it. Worth the wait. And that he'll also understand.

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