Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3
This past month and half, I've been studying Isaiah, which happens to be a difficult text to me. There is much history, events, prophecies---and many, many recurring themes: Israelites turn from God, then they are punished, they turn back to God and repent, then do the same things over again. Trickled in there are prophecies of Christ's coming, His birth, His life, and His ultimate sacrifice.
There are passages that I read, re-read, prayed for understanding and meditated on. One thing that has become evident, the more I read and spend time with God, the more He enlightens me to His truth. When I read Isaiah 26, it finally dawned on me what has kept me sane the past couple of months: God's perfect peace.
A year ago, this very day, when rank lists were (are) due, I was in Vienna, Austria, fretting over my rank list. None of the schools on my list were right. None of them. I was not at peace. I somehow knew something was wrong. This year, there are excited tears. Peaceful heart. I can  say in total honesty, it is well with my soul. I am head over heels in love with God and the way He loves me. He has allowed me to be broken, the most stubborn, unyielding part of me (my pride) was shattered. So He could build me up to be who He wants me for the future. I trust Him, I trust His plan and His will. This is not an easy place to be in and it surely is not an easy statement to make. I remember perfectly each painful moment of truth and the growth pains. But, I am thankful, because His love never ceases to amaze me.
So, my rank list is certified. I checked it tonight. I will not look at it again. There have been many confirmations. I know I won't be "close" to family. I know I will match this year. Praise God!
His perfect peace has kept me. My eyes are fixed on Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.
I will wait on Him in whose hands and heart rests my soul.